Monday, December 1, 2008


Hi everybody. It is fun and cool here in China. I wish I could be there with you guys. The weather here is not that cold. It's really windy though sometimes. At the Hope School, where we do our homework,the bathrooms are a little different than the American bathrooms. They have a whole in the ground.Some of the toilets have a button on the top instead of on the side. I have to go now....
YOu're good friend,


Bonnie Jo said...

Selah, You are so cute! I love to read your little stories about life in China. I remember those strange bathrooms! And when we went to Africa, they had some like that too...if there was a bathroom at all in the village!!! They called them a "choe" and I think I remember that in Korean it is a "pyunso"...what is the word for bathroom in Chinese?
LOVE YOU!!! "Miss Bonnie"

Benjamin said...

Still trying to figure out how to blog. Let us know if you get this. Know Benjamin said a prayer for your safety and blessings on Thursday. Sheila

Benjamin said...

Ok looks like I got on. How do I get Benjamin to J's blog? Sorry!!


Penny said...

Selah the bathroom has me you really go in a hole in the ground? Sounds awkward but I guess you get use to it. We sure do miss you here.
Love you Penny